Selected publications:

Fenelon, K., Krause, J., Koromila, T. Opticool: Cutting-edge transgenic optical tools. PLOS Genetics (2024)

Fenelon, K., Gao, F., Borad, P., Abbasi, S., Pachter, L., Koromila, T. Cell-specific occupancy dynamics between the pioneer-like factor Opa/ZIC and Ocelliles/OTX regulate early head development in embryos. Frontiers in Cell & Dev Biol (2023)

Fenelon, K., et al. Transgenic Force Sensors and Software to Measure Force Transmission across the Mammalian Nuclear Envelope in Vivo. The Company of Biologists, (2022)

Stevens L.M.*, Kim G.*, Koromila T.*, et al. Light-dependent N-end rule-mediated disruption of protein function in yeast and Drosophila. PLOS Genetics, (2021).

Koromila, T., et al. Opa is a late-acting pioneer factor that coordinates with Zelda to regulate gene expression. eLife, (2020).

Koromila. T., Stathopoulos, A. Distinct roles of broadly-expressed repressors support dynamic enhancer action and change in time. Cell Reports, (2019).

Koromila, T. & Stathopoulos, A. Broadly expressed repressors integrate patterning across orthogonal axes in embryos. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, (2017).

Fenelon, K., Hopyan, S. Structural components of nuclear integrity with gene regulatory potential. ScienceDirect, (2017)

Martin, A., Xiong, J., Koromila, T. et al. Estrogens antagonize RUNX2-mediated osteoblast-driven osteoclastogenesis through regulating RANKL membrane association. Bone, (2015).

Koromila, T. et al. Glucocorticoids antagonize RUNX2 during osteoblast differentiation in cultures of ST2 pluripotent mesenchymal cells. J. Cell. Biochem., (2014).

Estrada, K., // Koromila, T. et al. Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 56 bone mineral density loci and reveals 14 loci associated with risk of fracture. Nat. Genet., (2012).

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